To Stop Climate Change, Educate the youth and Give them Abstinence!

Abstinence Official
2 min readFeb 7, 2022

There’s only so much space on this planet.

Giving contraceptives to people in developing countries could help fight climate change by slowing population growth. More than 200 million women worldwide want contraceptives, but don’t have access to them, according to an editorial published in the British medical journal, Lancet. That results in 80 million approx. unintended pregnancies every year. Globally, an estimated 210 million women become pregnant each year, of which 80 million are unintended. In addition about 44 million women have induced abortions, of which 22 million are unsafe. Deaths from unsafe abortion account for 13% of maternal deaths worldwide The need for consistent and correct use of condom, particularly among young adults. Also, condom is a veritable instrument in prevention of unwanted pregnancy and the unpleasant sequels of unsafe abortion and maternal death. Its dual function in prevention of sexually transmitted infections as well as contraception makes it very important, especially for the adolescents and young adults who are at high risk of STIs and unwanted pregnancy. If those women had access to free condoms or other birth control methods, that could slow rates of population growth, possibly easing the pressure on the environment and keeping them sexually safe. There is now an emerging debate and interest about the links between population dynamics, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and climate change.

With this project, Abstinence Team Along with its own environment has a social cause aiming to address the problem of sexual health amongst the youth, population control & climate change..

Just like Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world”

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